Leah's Books
Most authors when they're starting out stick with one genre,
or at least genres that are close. Me? Not so much. I like writing stories
about relationships and love in all its forms, and in different ways. At the same time, I know that
readers sometimes do stick with one genre, and an author's genre-hopping can
cause confusion.
My first two books fall into the general romantic suspense category: crime,
mystery, passion, stuff like that -- and tend to be gritty in tone and content,
with a high level sexuality. My new book coming out, on the other hand, is crime-free
(depending on one's definition of crime), has very little spilling of blood, and while
I'd rate it in the "R" category, it's not pushing any envelopes in the sexuality rating.
So, in order to help readers know which type book they'll be getting from me,
I've split them into two categories: "Blood, guts and sex," and "everything else."
(Sorry, my family came up with the label as a joke, but I liked it!)
The first group are labeled with my blood-drip logo (left), and the others
with the pretty red-and-white logo. Even without a focus on crime and suspense,
though, these books aren't fluff.
Whichever your choice, I hope you enjoy!